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Elwer, B. M., J. A., VanDeHey, G. G. Sass, S. L. Shaw, L. W. Sikora and J. T. Mrnak. In Press. Post-stocking evaluation of mortality and cost to creel of extended growth fingerling Walleye Sander vitreus in Northern Wisconsin lakes.  


Sikora, L. W., J. T., Mrnak, R. Henningsen, J. A., VanDeHey, and G. G., Sass. 2022.

Demographic and Life History Characteristics of Black Bullheads Ameiurus melas in a North Temperate USA Lake. Fishes 7(1):21.


Sikora, L. W., J. A., VanDeHey, G. G., Sass, G. Matzke, and M. Preul. 2021. Fish Community

Changes Associated with Bullhead Removals in Four Northern Wisconsin Lakes

North American Journal of Fisheries Management – Catfish 2020 Symposium.


Estep, K., J.A., VanDeHey, J.K. Raabe, P. Schmalz, D.A. Wilfond, P. Piszczeck, and B.

Borkholder. 2020. Genetic Origins and Diversity of Lake Sturgeon in the St. Louis River Estuary. Journal of Great Lakes Research 46:1028-1035.


Isermann, D.A., M. J. Belnap, K. N. Turnquist, B. L. Sloss, J. A., VanDeHey, S. P. Hansen, and D.

C., Caraffino. 2020. Defining the Need for Genetic Stock Assignment when Describing Stock Demographics and Dynamics: An Example using Lake Whitefish in Lake Michigan. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 149:398-413.


Raabe, J.K., J.A. VanDeHey, D.L. Zentner, and T.K. Cross. 2020. Walleye inland lake

habitat: Considerations for successful natural reproduction and stocking in North Central North America. Lake and Reservoir Management.


Shaw, S. L., G. G. Sass, and J. A. VanDeHey. 2018. Maternal effects better predict Walleye recruitment in Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin, 1957-2015: implications for regulations.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 75:2320-2331.


Noring, A.M., G.G. Sass, S.R. Midway, J.A. VanDeHey, J.K. Raabe, D.A. Isermann, J.M. Kampa, T.P. Parks, J. Lyons and M.J. Jennings. 2017. Pelagic forage versus abiotic factors as drivers of Walleye growth in northern Wisconsin lakes. Advances in Limnology 66: 207-223. Special issue: International Coregonid Symposium.





Woiak, Z., J.A. VanDeHey and B.L. Sloss. 2017. Realized effects of implementing a genetic broodstock management plan for Muskellunge in Wisconsin. Pages 643-670 in K.L. Kapuscinski, T.D. Simonson, D.P. Crane, S.J. Kerr, J.S. Diana, and J.M. Farrell, editors. Muskellunge Management: Fifty Years of Cooperation among Anglers, Scientists, and Fisheries Biologists. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.


Andvik, R.T., B.L. Sloss, J.A. VanDeHey, T.M. Sutton, R.M. Claramunt and S.P. Hansen. 2016. Mixed stock analysis of Lake Michigan’s lake whitefish commercial fishery. Journal

of Great Lakes Research 42:660-667.


Nathan, L.R., R.T. Andvik, J.A. VanDeHey, T.M. Sutton, R.M. Claramunt, S.P. Hansen and B.L. Sloss. 2016. Historic and contemporary genetic structure of Lake Michigan lake

whitefish. Journal of Great Lakes Research 42:433-439.


Bertrand, K.N., J.A., VanDeHey, E. Felts, T.J. Pilger and T.F. Turner. 2016. Genetic structure of a disjunct peripheral population of mountain sucker Pantosteus jordani in the Black Hills, South Dakota, USA. Conservation Genetics 17:775-784.


VanDeHey, J.A., J.M. Harris, D.W. Willis and B.G. Blackwell. 2014. Effects of gizzard shad introductions on walleye and yellow perch populations in prairie glacial lakes. Fisheries Research 150:49-59.


VanDeHey, J.A., M.A. Kaemingk, A.C. Jansen, B.D.S. Graeb, D.J. Dembkowski and D.W. Willis.   2013. Effects of simulated cold-fronts on the survival and behavior of yellow perch Perca flavescens yolk-sac fry. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29:364-367.


Bethke, B.J., J.A. VanDeHey, M.J. Fincel, B.D.S. Graeb, and M.T. Porath. 2012. Walleye trophic interactions and population dynamics before and after a gizzard shad extirpation. The Prairie Naturalist 44:72-78.


Fincel, M.J., J.A. VanDeHey and S.R. Chipps. 2012. Non-lethal sampling of walleye Sander vitreus for stable isotope analysis: a comparison of three tissues. Fisheries Management and Ecology 19:283-292.


Schultz, L.D., and J.A. VanDeHey. 2012. A comparison of stipends, health insurance, and tuition remission policies at fisheries and wildlife graduate programs throughout the U.S. Fisheries 37 (6):257-263.


VanDeHey, J.A., D.W. Willis and B.G. Blackwell. 2012. Survival, reproduction and recruitment of gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum at the northwestern edge of its native range.  Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 27:41-53.


Fincel, M.J., J.A. VanDeHey, A.J. Weustewald, and S.R. Chipps. 2012. Comparing isotope signatures of prey fish: does gut removal affect δ13C or δ15N signatures?  Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 27:55-62.


Ranney, S.H., M.J. Fincel, M.R. Wuellner, J.A. VanDeHey, and M.L. Brown. 2011. Assessing length-related biases in standard weight equations: Response to Comment. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31:661-665.


Andvik, R.T., J.A. VanDeHey, M.J. Fincel, W.E. French, K.N. Bertrand, S.R. Chipps, R.A. Klumb, and B.D.S. Graeb. 2010. Application of non-lethal stable isotope analysis to assess feeding patterns of juvenile pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus: a comparison of tissue types and sample preservation methods Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26:831-835.


Graeb, B.D.S., D.W. Willis, N. Billington, R.N. Koigi and J.A. VanDeHey. 2010. Age-structured assessment of walleye, sauger, and naturally produced hybrids in three Missouri River reservoirs. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:887-897.


Ranney, S.H., M.J. Fincel, M.R. Wuellner, J.A. VanDeHey, and M.L. Brown. 2010. Assessing length-related bias and the potential for data standardization in the development of standard weight (Ws) equations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30:655-664.


Stott, W.L., J.A. VanDeHey, and B.L. Sloss. 2010. Genetic diversity of lake whitefish in Lakes Michigan and Huron; sampling, standardization, and research priorities. Journal of Great Lakes Research (Supplement 1) 36:59-65.


VanDeHey, J.A., B.L. Sloss, P.J. Peeters, and T. M. Sutton. 2010. Determining the efficacy of a microsatellite DNA-based mixed stock analysis of Lake Michigan’s Lake Whitefish commercial fishery.  Journal of Great Lakes Research (Supplement 1) 36:52-58.


Peterson, N.R., J.A. VanDeHey, and D.W. Willis. 2010. Size and age at maturity of bluegill in southeastern South Dakota impoundments. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 25:303-312.


VanDeHey, J.A., B.L. Sloss, P.J. Peeters, and T. M. Sutton. 2009. Genetic structure of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66:382-393.

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