Applied Fisheries Ecology Lab
My name is Justin VanDeHey and I am an Associate Professor of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. My research program focuses on using ecological principles and tools to answer applied fisheries and aquatic ecology related questions. While I am broadly trained aquatic ecologist I have several focal areas including: fish community interactions, the role of genetics in structuring fish populations and communities, and fish population dynamics.
The main component of my current position is teaching. The goal of my teaching is to educate, mentor, and train future natural resource scientists and managers. The aim of my teaching is to train students to think critically about issues and to apply appropriate ecological tools to address problems and issues.
The goal of my website is to provide you with information on my current students, research, and teaching and information on my past students and projects. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me.

Elwer, B. M., J. A., VanDeHey, G. G., Sass, S. L. Shaw, L. W., Sikora, and J. T. Mrnak. In Press.
Post-stocking evaluation of mortality and cost to creel of extended growth fingerling Walleye Sander vitreus in Northern Wisconsin lakes. Fisheries Research.
Sikora, L. W., J. T., Mrnak, R. Henningsen, J. A., VanDeHey, and G. G., Sass. 2022.
Demographic and Life History Characteristics of Black Bullheads Ameiurus melas in a North Temperate USA Lake. Fishes 7(1):21. https://doi.org/10.3390/fishes7010021
Sikora, L. W., J. A., VanDeHey, G. G., Sass, G. Matzke, and M. Preul. 2021. Fish Community
Changes Associated with Bullhead Removals in Four Northern Wisconsin Lakes
North American Journal of Fisheries Management – Catfish 2020 Symposium.
Estep, K., J.A., VanDeHey, J.K. Raabe, P. Schmalz, D.A. Wilfond, P. Piszczeck, and B.
Borkholder. 2020. Genetic Origins and Diversity of Lake Sturgeon in the St. Louis River Estuary. Journal of Great Lakes Research 46:1028-1035.
Isermann, D.A., M. J. Belnap, K. N. Turnquist, B. L. Sloss, J. A., VanDeHey, S. P. Hansen, and D.C., Caraffino. 2020. Defining the Need for Genetic Stock Assignment when Describing Stock Demographics and Dynamics: An Example using Lake Whitefish in Lake Michigan. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10235
Raabe, J.K., J.A. VanDeHey, D.L. Zentner, and T.K. Cross. 2020. Walleye inland lake
habitat: Considerations for successful natural reproduction and stocking in North Central North America. Lake and Reservoir Management 36:335-359.